Sunday, January 15, 2017

Misconceptions in Science - Questionnaire

As part of the requirements for my degree in Education, I did a survey. here are the questions. The answers are in the post that follows.
  1. An astronaut inside a space station floats because
There is no gravity in space
The astronaut is too light to be pulled by gravity
The space station and the astronaut are falling at the same speed towards Earth
The magnetic force of the Earth repels the gravitational pull in space
  1. Half of the Moon's surface is always dark *
  1. In plants, respiration takes place
at all times, just like human beings
only during the day
only at night
Plants do not respire
  1. Seasonal changes during the year are because of
The changing distance between the Earth and the Sun
Precession of the Earth’s axis
The constant axial tilt of the Earth
Changes in ocean tides

  1. According to the theory of evolution
Humans are the most advanced organisms on Earth
Monkeys and humans have a common ancestor
Monkeys and humans will have a common successor
Human beings came from monkeys
  1. A bullet shot from a gun will
Travel at the same speed at which it left the gun
Accelerate as it moves towards its target
Decelerate as it moves towards its target
None of the above
  1. Moon phases are because of
The changing distance between the Earth and the Moon
The changing distance between the Sun and the Moon
The changing angle between the Sun, Moon and Earth
The changing brightness of the Moon’s surface
  1. During a solar eclipse, when it is dark
Bacteria might multiply more than an ordinary day, because of the absence of sunlight
Our pupils are dilated, so more radiation enters our eyes as soon as the Sun is partially visible
Very harmful rays are emitted by the Sun compared to ordinary days
Radiation can be absorbed by our skin, much more that what is possible during ordinary days.
  1. If you draw a line from the Earth to Mercury, Venus will fall on it.
  1. All plants prepare their own food

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